
Sales Compensation

'Sales Compensation'. Book coverIs a unique and innovative systematic method to design a sales incentive plan for any level of expertise that fully, accurately and empirically exposes the qualities, structure and possible results of the appropriate Sales Compensation Plan Designs to the specific characteristics and needs that the nature of the company, products, market and sales force require. From the choice of the payment system to the implementation of a Conjoint Analsys , López shows us how to decide and develop a healthy and balanced compensation design to achieve the best benefits for the sales force and business results. It is a work product of the deep knowledge and the vast experience of more than 25 years Federico López Saavedra in this area and in management consulting.

The book, whose contents are organized in order of difficulty, includes resolved cases, troubleshooting guide, examples of plans, construction of tables and measurement of intangibles.

The ebook "Sales Compensation" is available on Amazon©

This is a book that sales compensation plan designers will certainly use over and over. While the cases and examples reflect practices in Latin America, the concepts, principles and processes it provides transcends geographies and cultures. It is a valuable contribution to the sales compensation body of knowledge.

Jerome A. Colletti

Managing Partner - Colletti-Fiss, LLC
Scottsdale, AZ USA

A robust and continuous revenue growth is paramount to the success and financial valuation of an enterprise. A well motivated and compensated sales force is an important step towards this objective. Federico López's book, Sales Compensation presents detailed information on several and diuerent methods to compensate sales forces that any CEO or entrepreneur should carefully study.

Gustavo Roosen

President. IESA. Caracas

Mr. López’s book provides a context and framework for the field of sales compensation that few others have been able to do so clearly. His philosophy to design, implement and measure incentive plans shines a new light on this topic and should be reviewed by any enterprise compensation team looking to make an impact.

Veronica Ferrante

MBA. Compensation Manager